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Friday, February 16, 2007

God spoke to me

During a Saturday Promise Keepers meeting I receive an answer to a prayer that I have been Praying for some time now. My prayer was "why do I go to church, try to be right with God and never seem to prosper?" I asked God if he would show me what he sees in me in such a way that even I can understand.

During the meeting of over twenty thousand men assembled in the Washington football stadium, as the song "mighty fortress" was being sung, God opened a window. The once loud singing was now a low back ground noise. A tunnel formed in front of me and I could only see the people at the bottom of the stadium. Men were gathering to use the bathroom. Then they would look up to see their destination then look back down to their feet because the footing at the stadium was shallow and it was hard to walk without stumbling. While looking at their feet they would start to climb. Then they would come to a wall because the stairs were diagonal and so because they were watching their footing they would stray from the bathroom door and find themselves facing a brick wall. Once they realized this they would walk back down the stairs, regroup their plan and start again. Over and over.

Then God spoke into my heart and said to me "The people gathering at the bottom of the stadium is you Danny. When they look up is it is like you looking up to me. You would go to church, pray and try to do right by me but then after you saw your goal, you would not trust me and start to look at your feet. You then would hit a wall and you would start over. You walked many miles for me but never got anywhere because you would have to back track to regroup and refocus. You are doing my will YOUR WAY!"

"Stay focused on me Dan and don't take your eyes off the goal and you will not walk astray and then you'll grow".

Thank you Lord for this message!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered the same things about myself, and realized that God wants me to have the character I need to be able to properly manage more.

He said be faithful with little and you will be given more..but can I say I'm properly taking care of what I have? No.

It's like Im waiting for Him to give me more as I don't take care of what He's already given would be like Him rewarding me for doing bad. He CAN give us more any time, but His way is to do it after we have done our best to take care of what we already do and have and show appreciation and thanks by valuing and being a good stewart of whats Hes already given to us. If we havd more without the right character to know how to manage it, it will ruin or destroy us and those we love. Rather in love, God sets it up this way for our good.

Something that my girlfriend brought to my attention..she's right at least in regards to both her and myself.

Draw a Picture!

And this computer will analyze your drawing and give you your personal personality analysis based on the drawing: CLICK HERE to try it out