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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Danny Brew Part 3

Everything is sanitized and prepped. The Wort is brewing on the stove as I sit here. The next step is to cool down the wort to about 70-80 degrees so i can add the yeast. Then it will be placed into the main fermenter for about 10 days. Once the readings show that it is ready it will become non-carbonized beer and will be transferred to a secondary fermenter for clarification. This will be about 10 days. Then onto bottling.


Anonymous said...

Hi Danny,
it's about time. When bottled, can you ship me a CASE ;-)?

A voice from the past...

Danny said...

The fermentation is going great. All kinds of foamy Gooey stuff with weird gurgling sounds. I swear I hear it saying “Come Danny, don’t wait, drink me” But that would be just gross right now. But I can’t wait. Oh and voice from the past…You owe me a glass of wine.

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