Me and Linda

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hike The Mountains!

I have spent many months hiking the Appalachian Mountains. I have logged over 100 miles so far. My plan is to complete the Long trail from Massachusetts to Canada, a 265 mile adventure. . I am a member of the Green Mountain club. . Nothing can describe the views and satisfaction of being solely dependant of your wits and gear or getting water from a hole in the ground. If you would like to test what your are made of then take a sole journey into the Mountains. You'll never forget it for as long as you live! But remember to create a journal of what you see, who you meet and your adventure. I have met people from all over the world hiking the trail from Atlanta to Canada. A lot of wonderful and great people.
So Anthony thinks he is Mufasa, the wise King of "Pride Rock" From the movie "The Lion King". Roarrrrrrr

Ok Anthony enough is enough. Showing off how strong you are

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